Roger Christie (born June 15, 1949) is an ordained minister in the Religion of Jesus Church, which regards marijuana as a "sacramental herb." [1] In 2000, he founded the THC Ministry, which offered cannabis as a part of its services. On July 8, 2010, Christie and 13 other individuals associated with the THC Ministry were indicted by a Federal grand jury in Honolulu on Marijuana possession and trafficking charges.[2] He is now being held in the Honolulu Federal Detention Center awaiting trial.[3]
Roger Christie was born on June 15, 1949, in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Raised and schooled in the New Jersey countryside in the 1950s and 1960s, he graduated from high school in 1967.
After two years of college studies and flight training school in Miami, Florida he received an associate's degree in Science and a Commercial Pilot certificate.
In 1970 he enlisted in the US Army and was trained as a G2 Intelligence Analyst at Fort Holabird, Maryland, a US Army "spy school", but became disenchanted by the military and political missions in Vietnam and elsewhere. Christie refused his orders to serve in the Vietnam War and received an honorable discharge as a conscientious objector. His success in this process inspired him to pursue legal options to overturn United States drug policy, a fight which has led him to numerous court battles and arrests.
In 1986, he became a resident of Big Island, Hawaii. He was a co-founder of the Hawai'i Hemp Council in 1990 and, with Aaron Anderson and Dwight Kondo, founded the Hawaiian Hemp Company. By 1991, he had one of the first retail hemp stores in the world. In June, 2000, he was ordained as a minister by the Religion of Jesus Church through the Universal Life Church. He received his license to perform marriages in the State of Hawaii as a "Cannabis Sacrament" Minister and founded the THC Ministry.
The Hawaii Cannabis (THC)Ministry was founded on the historical fact that Jesus Christ used cannabis; and, that it is the Holy Annointing Oil used by Jesus. During US alcohol Prohibition, Christians had a religious exemption and could use wine as Holy Sacrament; and, likewise for 10 ears the Christians of THC Ministry, for 10 years, had a religious exemption recognized by Hawaii County and State law enforcement; and, since there was no Federal intervention, there was an implied exemption by the Republican Bush Administration. It would be similar to a medical exemption as recognized and licensed by many US States. However a religious exemption for wine and for cannabis is different in that it is based on the USA 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..' But now, under US President Barack Hussen Obama's Justice the Christians have been busted and Roger Christie held without bail or trial for over a year. There hs been speculation that the trial will not allow discussion of or recognize the religious exemption defense.
Christie ran the THC Ministry (aka Hawaii Cannabis Ministry) in Hilo, Hawaii for ten years.[4] According to the Ministry's website, “We use Cannabis religiously and you can, too.” For a $50 donation, a person could become a “Practitioner” and receive a plaque, an “affidavit of religious use”, two ID cards, and seven “Sacramental Plant Tags”. For $250, the donor would get a “Sanctuary Kit” which also included the “THC Minsitry [sic] Cannabis and Religion Guide”.[5]
According to Christie, "We have cannabis here that people can donate for if they are 'blue card' (medical marijuana permit) holders or members of the ministry."[6]
On March 20, 2010, Federal agents raided the downtown Hilo sanctuary of Christie's Hawaii Cannabis Ministry, assisted by local police.[7] Christie said authorities spent about seven hours searching his home and ministry, starting around 6 a.m. He said the Drug Enforcement Administration, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Postal Inspector and U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service were involved in the search.[8]
A three-count sealed indictment in June, 2010 charged Christie with conspiracy to manufacture, distribute and possess with intent to distribute more than 100 marijuana plants, manufacturing marijuana and possession with the intent to distribute 240 marijuana plants.[9]
According to court documents, authorities also confiscated approximately 845 grams of processed marijuana in the Wainaku apartment and more than $34,000 cash from the apartment and a bank safe deposit box. The money and the apartment face possible federal forfeiture. [10]
Christie was arrested on Thursday July 8, 2010, along with 13 others from the Big Island, and charged with possession and sale of cannabis. He was taken to Oahu, where he was incarcerated at the Honolulu Federal Detention Center. All other detainees were speedily released on bail or signature bond before trial. But Hawaii Federal District Court Judge Alan Kay ruled that Christie must remain in federal custody until his trial, because Christie represents a “danger to the community.” Judge Kay's ruling was upheld by 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals.[11][12] Christie is being represented by a public defender.[13]
Christie’s trial has now been set for October 3, 2011. By then, Christie will have spent over 14 months in the Honolulu Federal Detention Center. His arrest culminated a two-year investigation by federal and county law enforcement during which they seized 2,296 marijuana plants, nine weapons, 33 pounds of processed marijuana, more than $21,000 cash and four properties.
Christie allegedly sold a daily average of one half pound of cannabis to 60 to 70 customers each day, about 180 pounds (82 kg) per year.[14] Federal investigators said Christie suggested a donation of $400 in exchange for an ounce of marijuana from customers, which is the approximate street value of pot.[15] At this rate, donations to Christie's ministry in exchange for marijuana would amount to over $1 million per year.
In 2004 and 2008, Christie launched unsuccessful bids for Mayor of Hawaii County.